5.30.2024 What Just Happened?

What Just Happened?

Consolidation of power by an elite group who control and finance the Deep State has been the ultimate goal over the past decades as the federal government expanded to usurp the power of the states. A bureaucracy was formed with regulations outnumbering laws passed by congress.

Saul Alinsky (1909-1972) was Hillary’s mentor and spelled out the ten steps that this consolidation of power needed to follow to be successful:

  1. Control health care and you control the people.
  2. Increase the poverty level. Poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you give them everything they need to live.
  3. Increase the debt to an unsustainable level.
  4. Remove the ability of the people to defend themselves. Take their guns so you can create a police state.
  5. Welfare – Control every aspect of the people’s lives (food, housing, income)
  6. Control the education system, what they read and listen to.
  7. Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
  8. Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. Tax the wealthy to support the poor. (social engineering)
  9. Own and control all media to disallow opposing ideas.
  10. Use all the different forms of media to control civilian thought.

Alinsky provided the blueprint, multi-billionaires like George Soros provided the money. Soros is well into his 90’s and has passed the reins to his son who has been brainwashed by his father to carry on the work. Soros must be in panic mode realizing he is not immortal and must do everything he can to achieve his documented goal: the total destruction of America.

Soros has also recruited other multi-billionaires and gave them a taste of power. An example is Bill Gates, friend and frequent visitor to Epstein’s island, to use his wealth to taste the power of God…mosquitoes bred to spread disease, blasting chemicals into the sky to alter the weather, financing medical experiments by funding degenerates like Fauci who has literally killed millions of people with his fixation on creating dangerous vaccines.

The elites were gathering momentum but had a brief detour when John Kennedy saw the danger and began programs to avoid the Alinsky rules…Voting Rights and Racial Equality led to both he and his brother being assassinated.

Back on track, Hillary was about to reach that pinnacle of power that her husband screwed up (literally).  When she lost the election to Trump, the power elite did everything they could to stifle his return to the Ten Commandments and The Constitution.

Fauci unleashed the most destructive weapon the powerful had to keep Trump in check with the COVID pandemic. Knowing that Trump would devastate their plans, the 2020 election was blatantly rigged with obvious theft of votes. They used Stalin’s rule…”it’s not important who votes but who counts the votes”. The Soros infected judicial system kicked in and blocked any investigation.

With Biden sworn in, the power elite began throwing everything they could to achieve the Alinsky goals. Read them again…they haven’t missed any. I’m sure the elites are not very visible. They wield their power by controlling industries such as the media, pharma, technology and the consolidation of any corporate entity they can use to maintain control.

Congress critters were given a chance to “wet their beaks” in Mafia style and passed laws they didn’t read crafted by the elite though the army of lobbyists. Have you noticed how those critters come in as middle class and evolve into millionaires? Take that bartender elected to congress (AOC). She is now worth $29 million and no one has wondered how she did it. Her beak is wet. She’s and others are nervous because they know Trump isn’t afraid to ask that question.

The Trump Derangement Syndrome has hit full fever and they believe they have enough power for a blatant destruction of Trump through the Soros tainted judiciary.  They truly believe they can create their view of what this country should be by destroying what it once was. They fear the Make America Great Again consolidation of patriots willing to fight back with what’s left of the government.

They know that a Trump assassination would spark a civil war. Their useful idiots in roles as judges and prosecutors have begun a judicial assassination while the media they control is praising their efforts. So far, so good.

They’re calling it lawfare. There are two sides in every war. It’s literally lawyer versus lawyer with the Supreme Court the Generals. There are Generals from both sides on the Supreme Court. The wheels of justice grind slowly. Let’s hope they’re still on track.


